Type of site


Manufacturing Plant and Regional Office

We are pleased to announce Infineum France SNC is among the 32 winners of French recovery plan. France Relance is supporting our investment project to modernise and increase capacity of additives production at our Berre plant in Bouches-du-Rhône #FranceRelance 


Site description


Infineum France has two locations: our main plant in Berre and a second site with a small team of colleagues in Notre Dame de Gravenchon. 

The Infineum Berre plant is located within a petrochemical site operated by LyondellBasell. The plant is on the northeast side of the Etang (or lagoon) de Berre in the South of France, about 35 km northwest of Marseille.

The site is within easy reach of international transportation routes, including a major airport (20-minute drive), TGV high-speed rail station (25-minute drive), and major motorway (A7, close to Berre with access to Marseille/FOS Harbour).

The Infineum team is located in the "Y" building, close to the chemical site gate within LyondellBasell. Manufacturing Technology lab facilities are located within Labo Nord, close to Infineum manufacturing units.


Berre Site Photo

Community support and Social Activities


Infineum France is continuously seeking opportunities to support the local community. Each Infineum France colleague is encouraged to volunteer in sustainability actions on their working time at least one day per year. They are supported by a dedicated team: Agir Pour le Territoire et l’Environnement (Act for the Territory and the Environnement) which promote actions covering environmental support (World Cleaning Day, No Plastic in My Sea Challenge etc.), STEM promotion, women rights and several other initiatives.


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