Enabling the more efficient transport and refining of crude oil
Infineum develop and manufacture additives for wax and asphaltene management in crude oil. We are actively developing additive solutions to combat related issues faced in the upstream, midstream and downstream. This includes wax and asphaltene deposits or flow issues in production lines, pipelines and refinery storage. We are also developing additives that combat heat exchanger and other types of fouling within the refinery.
Wax Inhibition
Wax deposition reduces the effective diameter of a pipeline, resulting in:
- Reduced transport capacity
- Increased energy required for pumping
- Trapped contaminates
- Pipeline corrosion
Gelling of Crude Oil in a pipeline during shut in, resulting in:
- Higher energy to ensure ongoing flow
- Difficult or impossible to restart flow
Remain on Board during transport and storage from precipitated wax, resulting in:
- Loss of volume
- More difficult cleaning
- Increased pump out time resulting in increased dock fees
Asphaltene Inhibition
Asphaltene deposition in production lines, resulting in:
- Loss of production
- Costly remediation
Refinery heat exchanger fouling, resulting in:
- Higher energy costs
- Reduced throughput
- Costly cleaning