Nobody gets hurt
We believe colleagues, contractors and others working for Infineum have a right to return home at the end of each day in the same state of health and well-being as they began it. We believe that a situation where 'Nobody gets hurt' is right and is achievable. To that end we will investigate any injury to those working for Infineum to understand what happened, identify the root causes and put in place mitigating actions which will minimise the risk of recurrence. We will not be satisfied until we have sustainably achieved a working environment where 'Nobody gets hurt'. Furthermore we believe that the mind-set necessary to achieve 'Nobody gets hurt' is the same mind-set that leads to zero tolerance of error and deviation in our business operations. Thus excellence in safety, as well as being the right thing to do, is also an essential pillar of overall excellence in operations which leads to Infineum having Performance you can rely on.
Life saving rules
Exhibit S Life Saving Rules
28/11/2019 (pdf 0.08mb)
A8 Infineum Life Saving Rules Ita
28/11/2019 (pdf 0.23mb)
Lsr Lebensrettende Sicherheitsvorschriften
28/11/2019 (pdf 0.83mb)