It is essential that contractors perform in a manner consistent and compatible with Infineum's policies and business objectives
Services provided must meet comparable standards for safety, security, health, environmental protection and regulatory compliance required of company operations.
Please select the relevant documentation in your language from the locations below.
Infineum USA
Exhibit A Assignment Confidentiality
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.01mb)
Exhibit F Lbtc Contractor Hsse Booklet June Rev 1 3
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.40mb)
Exhibit F Bayway
12/03/2020 (pdf 1.31mb)
Exhibit G 2012 Twic
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.07mb)
Exh L Low
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.01mb)
Exh L Contractor Drug Alcohol And Contraband Policy Requirements
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.05mb)
Exhibit N Backgroundcheckselfemployed 6915
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.03mb)
Exhibit N Backgroundchecknonselfemployed 6915
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.04mb)
05 Safety Health And Environmental Policy
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.04mb)
06 Alcohol And Drugs
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.03mb)
09 Business Ethics
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.06mb)
10 Harassment In The Workplace
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.04mb)
Infineum Brazil
01 Texto Para Ordem De Compra
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.03mb)
04 Politicas Infineum Brasil
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.14mb)
05 Infineum Lsr
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.09mb)
Affiliates Mexico
Es021 Seccion 1 Requisitos Generales
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.07mb)
Es021 Seccion 2 Certificaciones Especiales
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.07mb)
Es021 Seccion 3 Requisitos Especiales Otros Proveedores
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.05mb)
Es021 Seccion 4 Trabajando En Alturas
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.10mb)
Es021 Seccion 5 Trabajos Electricos
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.06mb)
Es021 Seccion 6 Gruas Y Levantamiento
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.07mb)
Es021 Seccion 7 Apertura De Equipos
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.04mb)
Es021 Seccion 8 Espacios Confinados
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.07mb)
Es021 Seccion 9 Manejo De Residuos
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.04mb)
Es021 Seccion 10 Manejo De Asbestos
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.08mb)
Es021 Seccion 11 Sandblasting
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.11mb)
Es021 Seccion 12 Corte Y Soldadura
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.09mb)
Deutche Infineum
Infineum Business Ethics Policy
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.11mb)
Infineum Invoicing Requirements
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.72mb)
Life Saving Rules
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.07mb)
Lsr Lebensrettende Sicherheitsvorschriften
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.83mb)
Sgu Checkliste Fuer Dienstleister
25/11/2019 (docx 0.14mb)
Unternehmensethik Deutsche Infineum
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.14mb)
Alcohol And Drugs Policy
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.03mb)
Alkohol Plus Drogen Politik
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.08mb)
Alkohol Und Drogenverbot
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.07mb)
Belaestigung Am Arbeitsplatz
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.02mb)
Checkliste Partnerfirmen
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.35mb)
Harassment In The Workplace
25/11/2019 (pdf 0.10mb)
Infineum France
05 Safety Health And Environmental Policy
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.04mb)
06 Alcohol And Drugs
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.03mb)
09 Business Ethics
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.06mb)
10 Harassment In The Workplace
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.04mb)
Infineum Italy
Info Sic Appaltatori Ridotto Rev2017
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.28mb)
Appendice 1 Policy
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.22mb)
Allegato 2 Condizioni Speciali
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.07mb)
Allegato 3 Privicy
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.08mb)
A3 Modulo Air
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.14mb)
Allegato 4 Domanda Autorizzazione Sub Appalto
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.08mb)
A4 Mod Segnalaz Sicurezza
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.20mb)
Allegato 5 Dichiarazione Sostitutiva
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.08mb)
A5 Planimetria Ed Emergenza
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.31mb)
Allegato 6 Duvri Relazione Rev 3 Dicembre 2013
26/11/2019 (pdf 1.98mb)
A6 Dpi Contratto
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.11mb)
A7 Scheda Introduzione Nuovo Prodotto
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.20mb)
A8 Infineum Life Saving Rules Ita
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.23mb)
Infineum Singapore
Confidentiality Agt
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.07mb)
Life Saving Rules
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.48mb)
Hsse Policy
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.10mb)
Infineum China
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.29mb)
Infineum Life Saving Rules
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.30mb)
Infineum Policies
26/11/2019 (pdf 0.13mb)